Monday, August 28, 2006


Ellie and I watched (for the 2nd or 3rd time) a filmed version of Charles Dickens' great novel, Little Dorrit.

The main characters were the small angel, Little Dorrit, and her sanctimonious, hypocritical windbag of a father, Dorrit. Dorrit with his wife had managed to be incarcerated in debtor's prison when Little Dorrit came into the world. Eventually she gained access to the outside, but she chose for the most part to stay at her home, looking after the sanctimonious, hypocritical windbag, a wayward brother, a flighty sister, and a poor broken down old uncle.

Someone said that it's the easiest thing in the world to write about evil, and it will be eagerly pursued by the populace, especially those who slow down to a crawl on the interstate to see if someone has been killed. It's the hardest thing in the world to write about goodness, but in Little Dorrit Dickens succeeded ourstandingly. Little Dorrit (the girl) seemed to have no other occupation in life except to look after the needs of the people who came into her life.

Those of us raised in a Christian environment were taught that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves (our neighbor being everyone of course). Most people who call themselves Christians do a pretty mediocre job of that. It would be hard to do better than to look after the needs of the people who come into our lives.

This was the only message given at the Gainesville (FL) meeting yesterday. After the rise of the meeting we learned that Granny D, famous for her political exploints at 94, was sitting directly behind Ellie and me. Lovely lady, enjoyable conversation with her; I learned that she had walked from Pasadena CA to Washingto DC in the interests of campaign finance reform, and that she ran for the New Hamphsire U.S.Senator when she couldn't get any other Democrat to ran against the Republican incumbent.

She is my role model.


Jon said...

She sounds like a successor to Peace Pilgrim

Lorcan said...

Thanks for posting that about Granny D, what a role model in deed! If thee feels called to do so, do drop me an email about blogging being under a cloud, if thee does not wish to go into detail more publicly, that comment in thy earlier post has been on my mind of late.
I've been thinking of how each new way we communicate, can change our culture for good or bad, but - like technologies, we can't put the genie back in the bottle, we have to labor to learn to use it...
thine in the light