Monday, August 23, 2004


Today I started work on Saint Saul, by Donald Harman Akenson (2000). Looks like a mine of useful information not only re Paul but about the Hebrews in general. Atkenson led me to
Samuel Kurinsky 's The Eighth Day, The Hidden History of the Jewish Contribution to Civilization (1994), a new and interesting history of the development of the Hebrew race. He asserts that for two centuries the Jews controlled Egypt and implies that their race was culturally much superior to that of the Egyptians. He appears to date this congruently with the usual dating of the sojourn of Joseph and his family, found in found in Genesis 37ff.

Near the end of Jeremiah we read that the prophet was deported or fled to Egypt. Now in a note on Jeremiah 43 I have written, that
Jeremiah, his message from God disregarded, is carried away against his will to Egypt. Ellephantine, an island in the Upper Nile, is said to have been occupied by Jews and their Semitic progenitors since very ancient times. In a fact paper of the Hebrew History Confederation we are told that "a significant colony of Jews inhabited the island at least as far back as the 8th c. BCE". Documents recovered from this area state that a Jewish "princess" divorced Jeremiah", who was among several husbands. (It would be quite a stretch to identify this Jeremiah with the prophet who wrote the sacred book.)

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